This project ended on December 31st, 2019.
70 pledges raised $948 towards its goal of $100.
To create a unique show in the board game space that is an interview format with a professional dress and set. The presentation will be clean, consistent and when possible, not date specific. The show will contain our attempt at humor and last about an hour, offering us a different take on our guests than they display to the public normally. The show will be more about the diverse people and personalities in this business than the board games themselves.
FUN! - The show needs to be fun. Fun for the presenters, fun for the guests, and fun for the audience.
LIGHT HEARTED - We cannot take ourselves or the show too seriously.
ENGAGING - The show will strive to make people feel like they are a part of our world.
CONSISTENT - We will commit to giving enough time to properly do a show, and we will be prepared for the parts which we are to play.
WHEN THINGS GO WRONG - We will strive to be 100% accurate on the work we do, but recognize that mistakes may happen.
HIGH QUALITY - We must start with a high quality and gain from there.
INCLUSIVE - We will seek out a variety of guests and be welcoming to all walks and thoughts of life.
We will probably add to our incentives, but we will open with the following for the time....
$1 /Month - Thanks for your support!
$5 /Month - Entry into any contests we may run through the year, access to Slack Channel for upcoming guests and topics!
$10 /Month - Producer Credits at the end of the show!
$25 /Month - All the above and a shout out during the monologue!
$50 - A Coffee mug when we get around to them!
$100 - A T shirt when we make them!
Chris Whitpan - Your host, and guide on this journey of insanity. I have been in board gaming since 2012, but it started many many years before that. I currently consider myself an Omni-Gamer and enjoy party games all the way to a full day of 18xx. I know a few people in the hobby and hope to get to know more!!
Reuven Fischer - The Audio Producer, and all around helpful hand. You may see him from time to time helping out on videos.
Gary Pope - Helped bring this idea to life and helped make it a reality.