This project ended on November 30th, 2018.
11 pledges raised $55 towards its goal of $0.
I'll make this quick!
I love creating board game content. This is important for you to understand because if you're thinking about pledging to my channel I want to be perfectly clear about this...
The channel will exist even if no one pledges.
I don't want a single person who consumes my content to feel I'm trying to pressure them into donating. Creating content has become a hobby within the board gaming hobby for me. The process of content creation has itself been an enriching experience and I enjoy it nearly as much as actually playing the game.
That being said, if you've ever enjoyed my channel AND have some amount of your hard earned cash you want to pledge to the betterment of my hobby within our hobby I will be truly grateful and humbled.
So that's it. That's my pitch. You can stop reading now if you'd like or if you're at all curious about my history with board games feel free to read on. Either way thank you for your time you've already spent here and until next time if you're bored online...board offline!
August of 2012 I discovered the existence of games beyond Monopoly, Sorry, Risk, etc. Up to that point I had been almost strictly a video gamer and only on occasion would I delve into the board games I had known since my youth.
Then one weekend myself and my girlfriend (now wife) played nearly 5 hours of game after game of Sorry using a "strategic" rules variation. A week or so later I found myself browsing Barnes and Noble and blindly purchase a board game which, to my delight, was amazing. Small World provided us even more entertainment and from that moment on I was hooked! I proceeded to convert my wife (who was an avid NES Dr. Mario gamer even then) and a friend (a former D&D player).
I then began researching Mansions of Madness and was immediately intimidated by the complexity. I stumbled upon Watch it Played's inaugural series (before they were even called WiP) and after watching that series I bought Mansions of Madness and loved it. Now I had not only found another game I loved but also a doorway through Watch it Played into this culture made up of amazing and wonderful people. Thanks to WiP I discovered the Dice Tower, Couple vs Cardboard, Tabletop, Boardgame Replay, and many others.
These days I just look forward to continuing to discover the games and people of this hobby and to contribute to its growth and popularity!