The Cubist
By Bill Corey | In the category of Board Games

This project ended on April 23rd, 2019.

22 pledges raised $255 towards its goal of $200.

The Cubist After Dark
$25 per month left to reach this Milestone.
$25 per month
If we hit this milestone, we'll do an "After Dark" episode on the first Monday of each month. After Dark shows are freeform, "anything goes" shows where we just talk about whatever we have on our minds, answer lots more questions from the chatroom, and generally just have fun.
Double the Darkness!
$50 per month left to reach this Milestone.
$50 per month
We'll up our game to TWO "After Dark" episodes a month, on the first and third Mondays of each month (scheduling subject to change).
Livestream Reviews!
$100 per month left to reach this Milestone.
$100 per month
If we get to this point, Bill will start doing in depth video livestream reviews of games at least once a week. They might be brand new hotness, they might be classics, but he'll do a full review and Q&A on something every week.
Review Times Two!
$150 per month left to reach this Milestone.
$150 per month
We're almost there! At this milestone Bill will commit to doing TWO livestream game reviews per week!
BOOM Goes The Dynamite!
$200 per month left to reach this Milestone.
$200 per month
If we achieve these lofty heights, Bill will also do an unscripted livestream every single week: some of these will be the aforementioned After Dark episodes, some will be AMA-style streams, some might be live solo playthroughs of great games, who knows? There's only one way to find out!
5 total Milestones.