This project ended on July 14th, 2018.
11 pledges raised $305 towards its goal of $0.
This is a private update, viewable only by supporters that have earned the following incentive: Secret Council. (Posted 7 years ago)
This is a private update, viewable only by supporters that have earned the following incentive: Secret Council. (Posted 7 years ago)
Thanks for visiting our page in support of the citizens of Puerto Rico, who have lived through a terrible storm and the subsequent power outages and shortages.
If you would like to take part in our Arecibo Live RPG, you can purchase a seat in the merchandise section, or join the Secret Council by donating $20 or more. The Secret Council will be invited to an exclusive Discord chat, and asked to take part in polls live during the game, influencing how things will go in the story.
Any donation is welcome, however, and a donation of $10 or more will earn a thank you postcard featuring our Strange Coqui, created by Jon Matos.
This is a private update, viewable only by supporters that have earned the following incentive: Secret Council. (Posted 7 years ago)