Pair Of Dice Paradise - Year 7
By Chaz Marler | In the category of Board Games

753 pledges

are helping raise


Contribute to this project:
  • Incentives
  • Super-Secret Hush-Hush Facebook Group
    $25 USD
    You'll be invited to join the Pair Of Dice Paradise Exclusive, Members-Only Super Hush-Hush Facebook Group.

    Within its walls, you'll partake in luxuries heretofore unknown to humankind. Participate in exclusive, members-only video live streams, watch content before the public, revel in behind-the-scenes content, & embark on conversations with Chaz and other Pair Of Dice Paradise supporters.

    We're not saying this membership will drastically improve your life, but since joining I see new colors.
  • Pin Twins!
    $100 USD
    Add a little divine intervention to your rolls with these Angel & Devil Dice pinned to your lapel, lanyard, backpack, or other pinnable surface.

    This incentive includes one of each 1-inch enamel pin: angel & devil.

    Each pin is set in sturdy 5-color enamel on a metal backing. And if the National Pin Certification Agency was a thing, these would totally be certified as awesome.

    These pins can also be purchased directly on this project's Shop page.
6 years ago
Sorry for double posting(was refreshing the page), please do remove them >.<
And thank you for the reply, I'll pledge around Dec after I come back from my honeymoon. Thank you for your videos Chaz, I've always appreciated them.
6 years ago
@Stanley: Thank you for your question! The Pair Of Dice Paradise campaign is set up to continue for about a year, at which time Year/Season 8 will begin. So, you should have plenty of time - so right now you can focus on what's really important. ;) Thanks for wanting to help support Pair Of Dice Paradise, and congratulations on your upcoming marriage!
6 years ago
Sorry this is my first time checking out a campaign in podpledge. May I ask when does this campaign end? I would like to pledge my support but can't do it at this time with marriage underway
3 total results.